Nuxt 入门实战 - 14:实现两个非常实用的自定义指令
html<template> <div class="root"> <button v-hover-el="(v: boolean) => isHoverEl = v">isHoverEl: {{ isHoverEl }}</button> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> const isHoverEl = ref(false); </script>
tsximport type { ObjectDirective, DirectiveBinding } from 'vue'; type FlushList = Map< HTMLElement, { bindingFn: (isMouseEnter: boolean, event: MouseEvent) => void, enterFn: (event: MouseEvent) => void, leaveFn: (event: MouseEvent) => void, } > const nodeList: FlushList = new Map(); function executeHandler(isMouseEnter: boolean, event: MouseEvent) { let target = as HTMLElement; for (let [key, value] of nodeList.entries()) { //! 说明:如果触发事件target是遍历的元素时就触发调用绑定的方法 if (key == target) { value.bindingFn(isMouseEnter, event); } } } function addListener(el: HTMLElement, enterListener: any, leaveListener: any) { el.addEventListener("mouseenter", enterListener); el.addEventListener("mouseleave", leaveListener); } function delListener(el: HTMLElement, enterListener: any, leaveListener: any) { el.removeEventListener("mouseenter", enterListener); el.removeEventListener("mouseleave", leaveListener); } const HoverEl: ObjectDirective = { beforeMount(el: HTMLElement, binding: DirectiveBinding) { let options = { bindingFn: binding.value, enterFn: executeHandler.bind(null, true), leaveFn: executeHandler.bind(null, false) } //! 挂载阶段: //! 1.记录设置了指令的元素 nodeList.set(el, options); //! 2.给元素添加移入移出事件 addListener(el, options.enterFn, options.leaveFn); }, unmounted(el: HTMLElement) { let options = nodeList.get(el); //! 卸载阶段: //! 需要把事件移除掉 if (options) { delListener(el, options.enterFn, options.leaveFn); } nodeList.delete(el); } } export { HoverEl }
html<template> <div class="root"> <button @click="isDialogVis = true">open dialog</button> <div class="dialog" v-if="isDialogVis"> <div class="wrapper" v-click-outside="() => isDialogVis = false"> This is a dialog <div class="tips"> tips: the dialog will close if you click outside the border. </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> const isDialogVis = ref(false); </script>
tsximport type { ObjectDirective, DirectiveBinding } from 'vue'; import { isClient } from '@vueuse/core' type DocumentHandler = <T extends MouseEvent>(mouseup: T, mousedown: T) => void type FlushList = Map< HTMLElement, { documentHandler: DocumentHandler bindingFn: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown } > const nodeList: FlushList = new Map() //! 记录点击的开始事件对象 let startClick: MouseEvent; if (isClient) { //! 点击事件绑定在document上 document.addEventListener('mousedown', (e: MouseEvent) => (startClick = e)) document.addEventListener('mouseup', (e: MouseEvent) => { for (const handler of nodeList.values()) { const { documentHandler } = handler; documentHandler(e as MouseEvent, startClick) } }); } function createDocumentHandler( el: HTMLElement, binding: DirectiveBinding ): DocumentHandler { let excludes: HTMLElement[] = [] if (Array.isArray(binding.arg)) { excludes = binding.arg } else if (isElement(binding.arg)) { excludes.push(binding.arg as unknown as HTMLElement) } //! 事件处理 return function (mouseup, mousedown) { const mouseUpTarget = as Node const mouseDownTarget = mousedown?.target as Node const isContainedByEl = el.contains(mouseUpTarget) || el.contains(mouseDownTarget); const isSelf = el === mouseUpTarget; //! 如果点击是父容器元素 or 元素本身不触发事件,否则:就是点击元素外面了,需要抛事件 if (isContainedByEl || isSelf) { return; } binding.value(mouseup, mousedown); } } const ClickOutside: ObjectDirective = { beforeMount(el: HTMLElement, binding: DirectiveBinding) { //! 挂载阶段: //! 记录设置了指令的元素 && 给元素绑定事件 nodeList.set(el, { documentHandler: createDocumentHandler(el, binding), bindingFn: binding.value, }); }, unmounted(el: HTMLElement) { //! 卸载阶段: //! 需要把元素移除 nodeList.delete(el) } } export { ClickOutside }
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import { ClickOutside } from '~/composables/directives/click-outside'
import { HoverEl } from '~/composables/directives/hover-el'
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.directive("click-outside", ClickOutside)
nuxtApp.vueApp.directive("hover-el", HoverEl)
说明:我这个是Nuxt3 中的注册方式,Vue 改成app.directive的方式就可以了
- 不知到怎么弄就给别人多借鉴借鉴
- 实现功能只是最基本的完成任务,如果能用更优雅的方式解决那么就发挥你的潜力去实现,或许这是你提升的有效方式
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