- 定义:函子是一个普通对象(在其他语言中,可能是一个类),他实现了 map 函数,在遍历每个对象值的时候生成一个新对象。
- 特点:函子是一个持有值的容器、拥有一个 map 方法
- 实现代码jsx
const Container = function (val) { this.value = val; }; Container.of = function (value) { return new Container(value); }; Container.prototype.map = function (fn) { return Container.of(fn(this.value)); };
- 测试例子jsx
autoRun("1.函子Container初始化", () => { let testValue = new Container(3); console.log("Value inside container", testValue); //Value inside container: Container { value: 3 } let testObj = new Container({ a: 1 }); console.log("Object inside container", testObj); //Object inside container: Container { value: { a: 1 } } let testArray = new Container([1, 2]); console.log("Array inside container", testArray); //Array inside container: Container { value: [ 1, 2 ] } }); autoRun("2.函子Container 利用静态方法of初始化", () => { let testValue = Container.of(3); console.log("Value inside container:", testValue); //Value inside container: Container { value: 3 } let testObj = Container.of({ a: 1 }); console.log("Object inside container:", testObj); //Object inside container: Container { value: { a: 1 } } let testArray = Container.of([1, 2]); console.log("Array inside container:", testArray); //Array inside container: Container { value: [ 1, 2 ] } //嵌套of初始化 console.log("Nested conatiner:", Container.of(Container.of(3))); //Nested conatiner: Container { value: Container { value: 3 } } }); autoRun("3.函子Contianer 实现map方法", () => { let double = (x) => x + x; console.log("Double container: ", Container.of(3).map(double)); //Double container: Container { value: 6 } //!可链式调用 console.log(Container.of(3).map(double).map(double)); //Container { value: 12 } });
MayBe 函子:处理代码中的错误
- 用途:函数式的处理代码中的错误
- 实现jsx
const MayBe = function (val) { this.value = val; }; MayBe.of = function (val) { return new MayBe(val); }; MayBe.prototype.isNothing = function () { return this.value === null || this.value === undefined; }; MayBe.prototype.map = function (fn) { //关键代码:如果为非法值直接返回空,跳过fn调用避免报错 return this.isNothing() ? MayBe.of(null) : MayBe.of(fn(this.value)); }; MayBe.prototype.join = function () { return this.isNothing() ? MayBe.of(null) : this.value; }; MayBe.prototype.chain = function (f) { return this.map(f).join(); };
- 示例 1:常用例子jsx
autoRun("4.Maybe函子, 自动处理掉非法值(null or undefined)的应用", () => { console.log( "May Be Example:", MayBe.of("string").map((x) => x.toUpperCase()) ); //May Be Example MayBe { value: 'STRING' } //! 注意:此处传递的是一个null参数,函数也能正常执行不会导致报错 console.log( "May Be null example:", MayBe.of(null).map((x) => x.toUpperCase()) ); //May Be null example MayBe { value: null } //! 如果不利用MayBe我们需要进行大量判断,会知道代码变得臃肿,而且也不方便使用。利用MayBe我们就可以把判断隐藏起来 /* ["1",null].map((x)=>{ if(x !== null || x !== undefined){ return x.toUpperCase(); } }); */ });
- 示例 2:jsx
//! 1. 通常这样请求数据 let getTopTenSubRedditPosts = (type) => { let response; try { //说明:由于此链接已无法访问,所以模拟处理请求 // response = JSON.parse(request('GET', "https://www.reddit.com/r/subreddits/" + type + ".json?limit=10").getBody('utf8')) if (type === "new") { response = { data: { children: [ { data: { title: "title1", url: "https://baidu.com", }, }, ], }, }; } else { throw { statusCode: 404 }; } } catch (err) { response = { message: "Something went wrong", errorCode: err["statusCode"], }; } return response; }; let res = getTopTenSubRedditPosts("new"); console.log("res:", JSON.stringify(res)); //res: {"data":{"children":[{"data":{"title":"title1","url":"https://baidu.com"}}]}} //! 2.利用Meybe优化代码,使代码更加健壮 let getTopTenSubRedditPostsMeyBe = (type) => { let response = getTopTenSubRedditPosts(type); //! 无需考虑resposne数据是否为空 return MayBe.of(response) .map((arr) => arr["data"]) .map((arr) => arr["children"]) .map((arr) => map(arr, (x) => { return { title: x["data"].title, url: x["data"].url, }; }) ); }; let res2 = getTopTenSubRedditPostsMeyBe("new"); console.log("res2:", res2); //res2: MayBe { value: [ { title: 'title1', url: 'https://baidu.com' } ] }
- 存在的缺陷:MayBe 无法确切的知道到底哪个分支出问题了jsx
//! 遗留问题:MayBe无法确切的知道到底哪个分支出问题了,比如:不知道到底是哪个map出问题 let handleFn = () => { return null; }; MayBe.of("George") .map((name) => name.toUpperCase()) .map(handleFn) .map((x) => "Mr. " + x);
- 示例 3:利用 MaybeJoin 解决层级嵌套过深问题jsx
let joinExample = MayBe.of(MayBe.of(5)); console.log(joinExample); //MayBe { value: MayBe { value: 5 } } console.log(joinExample.join()); //MayBe { value: 5 } //让joinExample的value+4,如下写代码非常麻烦 let r1 = joinExample.map((outSideMayBe) => { return outSideMayBe.map((value) => value + 4); }); console.log("r1:", r1); //MayBe { value: MayBe { value: 5 } } //利用join简化代码 let r2 = joinExample.join().map((v) => v + 4); console.log("r2:", r2); //r2: MayBe { value: 9 }
- 利用 MaybeJoin.chain 简化掉 map.join 过程jsx
let joinExample = MayBe.of([{ val: "a1" }, { val: "a2" }]); let r1 = joinExample .map((item) => { return MayBe.of( map(item, (x) => { return { name: x.val }; }) ); }) .join(); console.log("r1:", r1); //r1: MayBe { value: [ { name: 'a1' }, { name: 'a2' } ] } //!用chain简化map和join的转换过程,将map和join封装成chain let r2 = joinExample.chain((item) => { return MayBe.of( map(item, (x) => { return { name: x.val }; }) ); }); console.log("r2:", r2); //r2: MayBe { value: [{ name: 'a1' }, { name: 'a2' }] }
Either 函子 : 处理分支错误问题
- 实现jsx
const Nothing = function (val) { this.value = val; }; Nothing.of = function (val) { return new Nothing(val); }; Nothing.prototype.map = function (f) { //! 注意Nothing map 什么事都不做 return this; }; const Some = function (val) { this.value = val; }; Some.of = function (val) { return new Some(val); }; Some.prototype.map = function (fn) { return Some.of(fn(this.value)); }; const Either = { Some: Some, Nothing: Nothing, };
- 示例jsx
//! 1. 通常这样请求数据 let getTopTenSubRedditPostsEither = (type) => { let response; try { //说明:由于此链接已无法访问,所以模拟处理请求 // response = JSON.parse(request('GET', "https://www.reddit.com/r/subreddits/" + type + ".json?limit=10").getBody('utf8')) if (type === "new") { response = Some.of({ data: { children: [ { data: { title: "title1", url: "https://baidu.com", }, }, ], }, }); } else { throw { statusCode: 404 }; } } catch (err) { response = Nothing.of({ message: "Something went wrong", errorCode: err["statusCode"], }); } return response; }; let res = getTopTenSubRedditPostsEither("new"); console.log("res:", res); //res: Some { value: { data: { children: [Array] } } } const Nothing = function (val) { this.value = val; }; Nothing.of = function (val) { return new Nothing(val); }; Nothing.prototype.map = function (f) { //! 注意Nothing map 什么事都不做 return this; }; const Some = function (val) { this.value = val; }; Some.of = function (val) { return new Some(val); }; Some.prototype.map = function (fn) { return Some.of(fn(this.value)); }; const Either = { Some: Some, Nothing: Nothing, }; let res2 = getTopTenSubRedditPostsEither("test"); console.log("res2:", res2); //res2: Nothing { value: { message: 'Something went wrong', errorCode: 404 } }
- 函子是实现了一个 map 契约的对象
- 利用 MayBe 包裹隐藏非空判断逻辑,方便上层无心智的使用数据
- 利用 Either 可以让我们更轻易的区分错误分支信息
- 只有 of 和 map 的是 MayBe 函子,含有 chain 的函子是一个 Monad,所以最终的 MayBe 是即使一个函子也是一个 Monad